Tuesday 19 April 2011

Little Critters Enjoy Bugmania

Local families spent a sunny afternoon on safari at the weekend. Armed with nets, trays, magnifiers and identification keys our intrepid explorers dipped the canal and met an army of caddisfly larvae all camouflaged in their disguise as a blade of grass. There was also a large population of snails - good news for the fish, which is good news for the heron and kingfishers (not such good news for the fish!)

On the meadow they saw a range of butterflies and caught a variety of flies, spiders and froghoppers in their sweep nets.

The river and canals both had Mayfly larvae in them, which is very good news as they only survive in unpolluted water.

Finally in the woods our minibeast hunters discovered wood lice (granny greys), pill millipedes, worms, slugs and other delightful creatures all doing their bit do maintain nature's balance in the woods.

Back in the cool of the Riverside Centre they made bug masks to take home with them.

A big thanks to the Environmental Education Service at Dare Valley Country Park, Aberdare for loan of their equipment.

Sunday 17 April 2011

Food Festival Web Page

Find out more about the Riverside Food Festival on the 21st May on our new Food Festival Web Page where you can find out more about the fantastic food on offer, demonstrations and lots of other great foody things for you to enjoy.

After the event we will be posting videos of the demonstrations and recipes up there for you to download and enjoy.

Sunday 10 April 2011

Photographing the Riverside Park

This glorious weather we've been having has been fantastic for photographing the Riverside Park. On Sunday 10th April a short day's course was run by photographer Eleanor Flaherty using the Park and the river as inspiration on learning more about photography.

(l - photo by Nikita)

The budding photographers learned about composition, form, perspective as well as the functions and limitations of digital cameras before being set a personal project to photograph an aspect of the park. Fantastic images were produced and it's been requested for us to run a longer course over several weeks which will result in an exhibition at the Centre. Watch this space for more details.
(r - photo by Izzy)

The Big Clean Up

The Riverside Centre helped host British Waterway's 'The Big Clean Up' of the Swansea Canal on the 1st and 2nd April. Organised in partnership with the Swansea Canal Society, the two days saw over 70 volunteers work on different sections of the canal from Ynysmeudwy to Clydach.

Work carried out included clearing vegetation, painting and planting along the the canal path. The Riverside Centre was an ideal meeting venue being next to the canal. Thanks to all who took part and did such an excellent job.

Photos courtesy of the Swansea Canal Society.