Thursday 28 June 2012

Riverside's Faerie Ball

With the Bear Band playing, a magnificent marquee and superb sound and lighting system, and two HUGE fairies the Faerie Ball couldn't help but be a huge success. 

And a huge success it undoubtedly was .

Truly a night everyone will remember for a very long time.

Riverside's Fairy Festival

Well it rained and it poured but it didn't dampen our spirits and everyone said the Realm of the Fae was a great success. With everyone entering into the spirit of the Festival and some magnificent costumes there were broad grins all round.

So much to see, so much to do. If you missed it, what a pity. Will the Festival be held next  year? Watch this space.

Thursday 7 June 2012

Rare butterfly seen at Riverside

The Dingy Skipper butterfly was seen around the Centre on June 6th. It is found in Britain and Ireland but is becoming increasingly rare. Grey-brown wings with mottled brown markings and two rows of small white spots. A small butterfly with low, darting flight. It is a priority species in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan and high on the Butterfly Conservation list.

Monday 4 June 2012

Last year 500 people attended the 2011  FoodFest. On a glorious May Saturday many more  came to our 2012 True Taste of Wales event.

With over 25 different stalls supplying a large variety of local produce there was plenty for everyone to see and buy. And with Steve Bartram of the Butchers Arms and Khaled Miah of Rice 'n' Spice demonstrating various dishes there was plenty for everyone to sample too.

With stalls inside and out, and live bands and performers using the stage, all in all everyone had a really good time .
Riverside is proving to be a very popular venue for the larger open air events such as this. Don't miss the Green Fayre on September 1st, the Heart of the Valley on September 8th and the Dog Show on September 30th.