Tuesday 27 March 2012

Activities & Events - new leaflet


Activities & Events leaflet for April and May

Available from the Events page of the website and from the Centre.

We have some fabulous activities coming in the next couple of months. Don't miss them.

Monday 19 March 2012

Orienteering Treasure Hunt
On a glorious  Sunday afternoon over twenty people took part in Riverside's Treasure Hunt. No one got lost (for long anyway!) and all suceeded in finding the treasure.

Cap'n Roger's treasure chest yielded a hoard of edible pieces of eight!

Monday 12 March 2012

Spring Nature Walk

Over two dozen people joined the RSPB's Maggie Cornelius and her team on a gloriously warm and sunny spring morning.

Whilst Maggie led a dozen people on a spring nature walk, John remained at the centre helping people make  paper pots and answering questions on the RSPB and on the local bird life.

We have another RSPB walk on Sunday April 15th at 9.15  a.m. Don't miss it !

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Open Day

It was good to see so many friends, old and new, at our 2012 Open Day.

The  Open Day was very well attended and a great time was had by all, including our canine friends!

Hope to see you well before our next Open Day in 2013.

Hedgelaying Training

Sixteen trainee hedgelayers spent the weekend with Ceri Jenkins of JED Hedging and Walling Ltd and produced a most magnificent hedge.

The weekend was so successful and popular that we hope to repeat the course in the autumn.
Watch this space ! 

(Only, there isn't a space anymore on this part of the Riverside Park- the hedge fills it!) 

This training event was sponsored by Environment Wales. The billhooks were hand forged Fair Trade billhooks made in Tanzania and supplied by Tools for self reliance Cymru.